Jessica Kayhart Jessica Kayhart

Hello New Year

No longer do I feel like I have to fight. No longer do I feel unsettled. No longer do the feelings of abandonment and rejection overwhelm me. Instead, I simply have peace.

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Jessica Kayhart Jessica Kayhart

Let’s Start From the Beginning

I knew what I had to do. It was time to move forward and fight. I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to be the one to fight. None of the pain was my fault, but someone had to do the work. Someone had to heal.

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Are You Scared?

When was the last time you asked someone, “Are you scared?”

This question has rattled around in my brain for the last few weeks, like an unspoken elephant in every room. The weight of fear has settled upon us, and yet I find no one asks this seemingly simple question, “Are you scared?”

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