

Father, King

 "Father, King" is the story of how God took the trauma, difficult experiences and a broken heart and showed Jess who He was as a Father. Weaving her story together with biblical truths, this book reminds us all to see past our experiences with our earthly fathers and how to truly see God as the ultimate Father.


The last night my father was alive, he did four things:
First, he fed our dog, Mocha, opened the door to the trailer and let her run free.
Second, he gathered mementos from his life with my stepmom, Penny. He took their couples devotional bible, a picture from their wedding day and pictures of them together and spread them around his recliner.
Third, my father wrote two notes. One was his "Last Will and Testament." My father didn't own much of value, but he wanted to give some things to the people he loved. The second was a letter to his family. He told us all that he loved us very much, and he told my grandma Virginia, "Take care of the kids for me." He tried to explain the pain he felt after Penny died, that he didn't know how to live without her.
The fourth and worst thing my father did that night was pull the trigger.

What people are saying.


“I rarely read and just sat here and read the entire book in one sitting! The story of this woman is simply amazing! While many of us may have not followed the exact same path, we can definitely find similarities. Her story is truly inspiring! Once you read it, you'll want to share this book with those you love!

— Scott Jennings

“Having heard Jess speak several times at church and at conferences, her passion and energy are absolutely contagious. Jess has the ability to capture an audience so strongly you just want to keep hearing and learning more from her. She has a heart full of faith which spills over into EVERYTHING she does. Jess isn’t afraid to share her past mistakes and how her faith has brought her through some very difficult times. By sharing her story and how God has helped her overcome, it gives people hope in our powerful God!”

-Bobbi Brandt

Oh my!! Father King is a great read. Thank you for sharing your story. Sadness, hope and healing. Knowing always that God is with us! Inspiring book.

-Luann Griffin